Thursday, March 22, 2018

The foundation lays in the initial steps! Water is life.

Life without water is next to impossible. Without fresh water we will die in just a few days.  Plain and simple, no sugar coating, it is a simple morbid fact that helps drive the point across, water equals life.  Most of us learn this along the way, so why are we complacent when we see fertilizers, oil and other pollutants pour into rivers and streams each time it rains?  Would we like to eat a fish with some weed killer marinade, or drink water with a nice motor oil sheen on top?

  • Using less water keeps money safely inside our pocket.  By utilizing basic water conservation techniques we are able to save thousands of gallons of water each year.  We can do the math, use less water and the water company charges us less money.  That sounds like a good deal all around. Also the initiatives by brands such LIVPURE go a long way in creating awareness and awaken people about the importance of conservation measures.
"Thousands lived without love, but not without water.
Thus it becomes even more imperative to save water!"
  • Using simple water conservation techniques can help cut our water usage by more than half.  If we commit just a little extra effort each day you alone can make a difference.  Whether we try our hand to use a low flow shower head we can see reduced water bills within the first month.  Do the planet and our future generations a favour, conserve water and stay thirsty for more savings every day.
"One doesn't have idea about how much water one wastes,
the reservoirs do!"
  • Protecting our natural eco-systems from further damage is critical, especially for the survival of some endangered species.  The oceans, streams and lakes that are the lifeblood of so many local eco-systems are used as dumping grounds, hurting everything that relies on these water sources.  The great pacific garbage patch is a great example of the worst side of our wasteful practices.
"The health of our waters is simply 
the measure of how we live on land."
  • Conserving water can also save largely on the energy grounds.  In order to pump the water from a central facility into our home or office, energy is required to run that equipment. So saving water means using less energy which reduces your carbon footprint and helps the country become more energy independent.
"Water is life's mater, matrix and medium."
  • Water conservation can also actually help in reducing the occurrence of sinkholes.  When the natural aquifers run low, it leaves a gap where water once was.  Simple gravity pushes the ground downward since there is now a void and voila, we see a sinkhole.

"Conserving water is conserving life."

Easy and simple steps go a long way in making life changing discoveries. It is important that we bring a change in our behaviour and lifestyles which would help in making mind-boggling changes within the nature which would benefit and sustain the life on this blue planet, Earth.

#CuttingPaani brings up some of the easy and amazing ways to prevent wastage of water and make its efficient use. To be a part of the petition, sign the petition 

Nature is a blessing, and let's make our best efforts to seek those blessings in the rightful manner, by avoiding misuse and wastage of the resources at our bay.